Email to Mike

Dear Mike
I hope you are well and have been enjoying the Easter break.

I am just writing to keep you informed of the progress of my film. This is purely for your information and so I have it down in writing, not for any action to be taken.

Originally for my film, A Toccata of Galuppis, Ali Reza was signed up to do the modelling of the two characters and was given a deadline to complete by the end of term one. However, it was not until two weeks into term two that I received only one model, and it was not to a very satisfactory level. So, after discussing this with Ali, we decided that, as he was working on too many films and spreading himself too thin, he would step down from the modelling part of the project.

Aijdin subsequently told me that he would like to do it, for which we were grateful, and he said he would only need two weeks to complete the models of the two characters. I sent him a breakdown of what they should look like and my two character drawings. We agreed that from these he would create his own reference sketches to model from.

We then tried on numerous occasions, but to no avail, to contact him (his phone was always off), but as it was dissertation time I cut him some slack, even though I would still have liked to be kept informed of progress. Eventually three weeks ago we received the male model, not exactly how I had wanted but finished to a very high standard, so we were happy. However, as you may recall, the main focus of the film was the female, which I had asked Aijdin to complete first. When we asked when the female would be done, we were informed a couple of days.(By the way all these conversations have been recorded on MSN messenger, the only way we could get hold of him!). However again we could not get hold of him till a couple of days ago.

When we asked him about it he originally denied saying he’d agreed to do it. Then when we reminded him of his previous conversation, he remembered and said he forgot. He also stated that as he was working on so many films, and mainly on his personal show reel, that he would not be able to complete the female model for us. No apology and no advance warning – if I had known, I would have pursued other avenues for the modelling. As it stands it is now too late to start a new model from scratch, so I have re-written the film, much to my dismay, with just the male character.

The film should work fine with just the male, and I am not writing for you to do or say anything to Aijdin. When I finally manage to speak to him in person, I will explain to him myself all the points and why I feel let down. The main reason I am writing now, is just to keep you aware of the situation and also for it to be an example to next year’s animators; that they should only agree to one film, instead of many, which has caused so many delays on production.

All the other work is going well and the film will be completed to a standard I am pleased with. I would simply like others not to have to go through the frustration that I have had to deal with.

Should you have any queries or need further details, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind Regards

Sal Wilson

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