(Titles Fade)
Cloud close up
Camera pulls out slow
Full cloud now in shot (moonlight)
Cloud moves right to left
Cut to wider shot of birthing tree, almost all of it in shot
Camera pulls out to reveal all of tree and some of hill top
Cloud move slowly across to over tree
Cloud grows slightly and goes darker
Cloud starts to rain on tree, slowly at first then heavier
The two buds/pods on the tree begin to grow and swell in size
They blossom and start to flower
They open, and the two Galuppis, one male one female, roll out and down the trunk
They stretch and limber and look at each other
They smile
The male leans towards the female
The female begins to do the same
The female then pushes the males face in the mud and runs of giggling to past the camera right.
The male looks up shocked
His look then changes to a smile.
He then chases after her, past camera left and over
Poem Begins)
Side view of the female running towards the cliff edge (dawn breaking)
She jumps/dives off the edge arms out stretched
Cut to wide shot of her diving into the mist in the valley below, a lot of the background is seen in this shot.
Camera is now closer and faces other side of the valley, female jumps out of mist onto other side of valley and continues running
Cut to full frontal of waterfall (daytime now)
Female runs through waterfall left to right
Cut to wide shot, female running left to right, Frangipani tree in far right of shot
She jumps close to the tree
Cut to closer shot of her grabbing a flower from tree and landing
Camera now in front of her, quite tight angle, she goes to eat flower, and stops
Cut to close side view of her from waist up, she lowers her hand and opens it
Bee flies out
Cut to shot of as if camera attached to bee’s behind, camera buzzes away and up, she smiles
Cut to shot in front and slightly down and left of her eat the flower
She then runs out of shot
Cut so behind view as she runs into forest
Cut to side view of her running through the forest, sunbeams piercing sections of the forest, tall grass along the ground that she brushes by
Cut to shot down and to the left looking up at female as she stops for breath, and listens.
Poem reads, ‘like a pigeons evening…’)
She hears the male coo in the distance
She smiles and continues running out of shot
Cut to low shot next to males left foot, across the way the female runs into shot facing the male
Cut to side view of them coming close together
They are disturbed
They run out of shot, right to left holding hands
Cut to overhead and behind shot of them running into clearing, they look around, and realise they are alone
Side shot of them pushing off each other
Cut to shot above and behind female right, they circle each other
Cut to shot behind male left shoulder, they charge towards each other
Cut to shot birds eye view of the two Galuppis charging towards each other
As they clash camera has panned down to side and tighter, waist up, sparks fly, their branch horns, begin to bud and flower
They twist and go down anti clockwise, as the camera twists and goes up clockwise.
Cut to shot of two tall trees, branches touching
Birds fly off from tree disturbed
Two Galuppis leap up and land in the tree facing camera
They embrace and smile
Their looks turn sad, camera has zoomed in slightly
Cut to Galuppi point of view, looking out over the valley bellow, camera pulls back to behind the Galuppis, as it does deforestation and pollution revealed
Montage of pollution shots plays in front of them
Cuts to shot of them softly dropping to floor
Cut to shot of them slowly disappearing into the forest (sun is setting)
Screen fades black and music and poem pauses
Music and poem begin again, Cut to wide shot of river bank and forest, female runs through barely seen, left to right, slight camera zoom to follow her
Cut to medium wide shot of male running right to left, over 2nd waterfall and into forest towards direction female was heading, slight camera zoom to follow him
Cut to wide shot of them meeting on hill top, camera zooms in slowly, as the moon rises; they entwine and become new birthing tree.
Screen fades black
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